
Authored by Csaba Kovács, Attribution in International Investment Law is the first in-depth book on attribution in international investment law analysing the treatment of attribution in applicable legal instruments and investment arbitration jurisprudence worldwide.

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  • Attribution in International Investment Law” (Kluwer Law International, 2018) available for purchase and preview. Book review by Patrick W. Pearsall, “New In-Depth Study Seeks to Bring Renewed Rigor to the Concept of ‘Attribution’ in the Field of Investment Arbitration,” ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin, Issue 4, read full review here.
  • Attribution in Investment Arbitration: From Stricto Sensu to Lato Sensu” (Kluwer Arbitration Blog).
  • Impropriety and Impartiality – Challenges in International Arbitration”, co-author, Fraud Intelligence, August/September 2010.
  • International Investment Arbitration” in CMS Guide to Arbitration, co-author, 2009 edition.
  • Co-author of numerous articles on commercial and investment arbitration, accessible at including:

“Drastic changes in renewable energy laws trigger damages award”

“New LCIA Arbitration Rules effective 1 October 2014”

“Tribunal weighs in on unlawful expropriation”

“Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements in effect from 1 October 2015”

“ICSID award is partially annulled due to manifest excess of powers”

“ICSID Tribunal pays heed to investor’s nature and host country’s economic circumstances”

“Solar investors lose out in Spanish Energy Charter Treaty decision”

“Energy sales not protected by Energy Charter Treaty”

“The protection of cross-border investments under the Canada-EU trade pact”

“Due diligence and proportionality under scrutiny in latest ICSID liability finding”

  • Co-author of articles on international investment law in CMS Disputes Digest:

“Multi-party claims in investment arbitrations: the state of play”

“Using international law and deal (re)structuring to protect foreign investments”

“EU moves towards a multilateral investment court”

Speaking engagements

  • Attribution of the Conduct of State Enterprises to the State: The Search for Common Ground”, State Owned Enterprises in Investment Disputes, seminar organised by the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Twenty Essex and CMS, London. Find out more about the event.
  • Attribution of the Conduct of State-owned Enterprises to the State”, SIAC and Centre for International Law’s Academic-Practitioner Colloquium, Singapore, find out more about the event. See the write-up by Lexi Menish and Samantha Tan.
  • Select Issues in International Investment Arbitration”, Litigation and Arbitration Forum, presentations in Spanish, March 2016, Lima, Peru.
  • The Annulment Decision in Occidental v Ecuador”, Legal Week Commercial Litigation and Arbitration Forum, London.
  • Transparency in the TTIP”, ICC YAF Seminar, 20 May 2016, Florence.
  • International Law Protection of Foreign Investments in Argentina”, seminar on Investment Opportunities and Challenges in Argentina, London.
  • How to Build Trust in Institutional Arbitration”, 2017 Annual Conference of International Court of Arbitration of Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce, Bucharest.
  • Guest lectures on international investment law at Hong Kong University, Central European University, Coventry Law School, Summer ELSA Athens Law School, Tshinghua University School of Law and others.